Reuben Ebrahimoff



for Sefer




The Haftorah for Parshat Pikudei

The Ashkenazim read the Haftorah from the book of Melachim Aleph (Kings 1), 7:51-8:21

The Sephardim read the Ashkenazi Haftorah from the book of Melachim Aleph (Kings 1), 7:40-50

A photo from the Mosque atop Har Habayit where the Even Shesiya, The Creation Stone rests.

The connection of the Haftorah to the Parsha: Parshat Pikudei recounts the completion of the Mishkan, and the Haftorah, the completion of the Bait Hamikdash.

The storyline of this week’s Haftorah for Ashkenazim: Finally, the construction of the Bait HaMikdash was completed and Shlomo is ready to bring the ark to the Bait HaMikdash along with his fathers King David’s holy possessions. The Aron is brought to the Bait Hamikdash.  Bnei Yisrael brings the Aron to the newly built Bait HaMikdash. Shlomo gathers the Kohanim, Leviem, his royal administration and all of Israel to bring the Ark from Ir David to the Temple. This took place during the month of Eitanim, Tishrei. Tishrei was selected because of its holiness due to all the Holidays that take place during that month. The Aron is placed in the Kodesh Hakodashim.The Ark with the Ten Commandments is placed in the Kodesh Hakodashim by the Kohanim. The Temple treasures are also brought to the temple i.e. Menorah, Ark, Altar, Water Basin and Showbread. After bringing the Ark to the Kodesh Hakodashim, Solomon sacrificed a huge amount of animals to Hashem and then the Clouds of Glory descended into the Bait HaMikdash. Shlomo’s tefilla.  Suddenly the doors of the Bait Hamikdash were locked shut by the heavens. The Leviem began to sing Tehillim and play on their musical instruments, but nothing helped remove the smoke from the Temple, let alone get the doors to open. Only after King Solomon prayed the following did they open. “From the time we left Egypt the Holy One waited for King David to live (70 years). He selected Jerusalem’s the place for the temple to be built. In the name of my sacred father King David, allow these doors to be opened. Suddenly, in front of everyone’s eyes, the doors of the Bait HaMikdash opened. Anyone who was from the sympathizers of former King Shaul realized that their bad words about David were not true, and that this was proof positive that Hashem had forgiven David for his so called sin with Bat-Sheva. The Kohanim re-entered the Kadosh Hakodashim where the Aron rested, surrounded by 2 cherubim each 10 Amos high. When their wings were spread, they measured from side to side of the Kadosh Hakodashim. Underneath their wings, was the Ark of the Covenant also with 2 golden cherubim on it. Afterwards, King Solomon, while kneeling, turned to the people in the courtyard and blessed them.

The storyline of this week’s Haftorah for the Sephardim: Chiram, hired by King Solomon as an artist, formed the Temple treasures from brass and copper. Chiram made small basins for removing the ashes from the altar, the rakes for raking the ashes, and the bowls to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifices on the side of the altar. Chiram completed every task that King Solomon asked him to do in the House of Hashem. Yachin and Boaz, the two giant columns were at the entranceway of the Temple. There were two columns with two crowns at the top of the columns. As a part of the crown of the columns, two rows of pomegranate designs were placed; 400 in all. The Mikveh was a very large basin with 12 cattle arranged in four rows of three at the base. It was used for the Kohen to immerse himself in before performing the priestly work in the Temple. The utensils were made in the plains of the Jordan, actually to the east of the Jordan in the tribe of Gad’s territory. Chiram had a factory there and he was able to cast them in dense clay molds. The location of this factory was between the city of Sukkoth and Zarothan. There were so many utensils manufactured that King Solomon stopped counting them. The weight of the copper was never determined. Solomon made all the utensils that were for the House of Hashem- the Golden Altar and the Shulchan, the   table (that supported the Lechem Hapanim12 loaves of Show Bread) were fashioned of gold.  The Menorah – There were 5 menorahs on the right side of the temple and 5 on the left side. A total of ten menorahs were in front of the dividing wall of the inner Sanctuary of the Temple. Each of the seven lamps on the menorah was decorated with a flower pattern on it. All the work of King Solomon Temple was now completed. Then King Solomon brought the Holy things of his father King David. There were silver and gold. He put them in the treasury of the Temple.

King Shlomo’s Biography:

  • The meaning of his name is "peace" or "prosperity.”
  • Had seven names, Shlomo, Yedidyah, Kohelet, Agur, Yakeh, Lemuel, and Ithiel. His father was King David.
  • Was crowned as king at the age of 12! Shlomo ruled for 40 years and passed away at the age of 52. As King, he led the building of the Bait Hamikdash, starting at 16 years of age, which lasted for 7 years.
  • He was extremely wealthy; by some estimations his wealth increased by $250 million dollars a year. Shlomo was famous for his stables which housed 40,000 horses and 12,000 horsemen. King Shlomo had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
  • Is quoted as the smartest man to ever live. Shlomo was able to give 3,000 explanations to every Pasuk in the Torah. He knew all 70 languages spoken in the world at that time as well as possessing the ability to communicate with all the living creatures in the animal kingdom. Once the Queen of Sheba traveled 7 years by caravan just to meet him and quiz him with regards to his wisdom. After their first meeting, the Queen of Sheba remarked that the King was much wiser than his reputation had suggested.
  • Founded 3 cities; Megiddo, Hazor and Gezer in the north of Israel.
  • Instituted, among others, the two mitzvot of Eiruv and Nitelat Yadayim (the ritual washing of hands) and the third blessing in Birkat Hamazon, Bonei Yerushalayim. The Eiruv is a string surrounding an outer perimeter of an area thus designating it as a permissible place to carry things on Shabbat.
  • Authored 3 books: 1) Kohelet, Ecclesiastes 2) Mishlay, Proverbs, which concludes with the song Aishet Chayil sung on Erev Shabbat. 3) Shir Hashirim, Song of Songs.

Famous Phrases: Mishlay, Proverbs 12:25, “Da’agah b’lev ish yaschenah”; “a worry should be shared with others”.

Haftorahman’s lesson of the week: How fortunate are we, to have such a rich heritage, and holy ancestry! We do not have to establish reputations, but simply maintain them as we are all the prodigy of holy generations!




Written by: Reuben Gavriel Ben Nissim Ebrahimoff 5766-2006

